Juliana Goschler

Research Projects

"Umbrüche gestalten" - Integrating German as a Second Language into Teacher Training Programs

From March 2014 to February 2017, the work group German as a Foreign/Second Language will work on a project developing training modules in German as a second language for the state’s teacher training programs. This is part of a larger project including all universities of Lower Saxony. At the university of Oldenburg, the work group will be developing a module for economics teachers.
Collaborators: Juliana Goschler (Local Project Leader), Anne-Kristin Cordes, Snizhana Maksymchuk.
Funding: Mercator Institute.

Quantitative Corpus Linguistics and Second Language Research

We are in the advanced planning stage for a research project on the application of quantitative corpus-linguistic methods to second language corpora. We are currently assembling a corpus of elicited German, Russian, Polish, and Turkish narratives by bilingual and second language speakers of Russian/German, Polish/German, and Turkish/German between the ages of 6 and 30, and a matched corpus of German monolingual speakers.
Collaborators: Juliana Goschler, Anatol Stefanowitsch, Sarah Meitzner (collection of German monolingual corpus), Christoph Schroeder, Till Woerfel (collection of Turkish corpora), Stefanie Haberzettl and Mirja Gruhn (assistance in collecting the German-Turkish corpus), Lars Behnke (collection of the Russian/German and Polish/German corpus).

Additional Research Interests

My research interests include cognitive linguistics and construction grammar, bilingualism, metaphor and figurative language, spatial language, and the formation and comprehension of complex words.